Saturday, November 7, 2015

Coconut-Beet Balls

Pre-Diwali weekend is lonely with hubby away for an extended business trip. "Cooking therapy" comes to the rescue to combat the loneliness! 

Here's a slight twist to the conventional "coconut laddoos". When you have a beet root sitting in your fridge, urging you to use it before it shrivels away, you cannot help but listen to its plea! And that's how it went into this laddoo recipe! 

The only addition is the first step of sautéing the beet in some ghee. The rest is your typical condensed milk laddoo recipe. The end result is prettier and yummier, the nutrients from the beet is a sweet bonus! 


1 medium size beet-root grated in a food processor
3 cups dry unsweetened coconut+ 0.5 cup for rolling 
1 can of condensed milk
Half cup chopped mixed nuts
2-3 tsp ground cardamom 
1 tablespoon ghee

In a heavy bottom sauce pan, sauté the beet root in ghee on medium heat until it gets soft (about 5-10 minutes). Mix in the coconut and the condensed milk and cook on medium heat till the water from the beet evaporates and everything comes together nicely (about 15 minutes or less depending on the quantity). 

Turn off the heat and transfer the mixture in a separate bowl. Add the chopped nuts and cardamom and mix well. When cooler, roll into even sized laddoos and roll each laddoo in the coconut. Refrigerate and enjoy! 

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